Whilst every attempt is made to ensure accuracy of the information on this site, LAPOLLO Systems cannot be held responsible for any loss of time or money due to use of the information. This also true of sites with links from Exning.Net.
dot NET
“Small Print”
This page contains information about the Exning . Net website
Exning.Net is a website developed by residents of Exning Village
For the purpose of the site “Exning” has a broader definition than the electoral area and includes parts of North Newmarket such as Studlands and down to the Hospital.
You may provide links to this website, or particular pages on it, without permission. As a courtesy, we request you let us know you have done son and domain name of your site.
Whilst every attempt is made to ensure accuracy of the information on this site, LAPOLLO Systems cannot be held responsible for any loss of time or money due to use of the information. This also true of sites with links from Exning.Net
If you run an organisation in Exning with a website, please contact us if you wish us to add a link
If you run an organisation in Exning without a website, please contact us and we may be able to create a web page -- providing you give us the appropriate information.
If you are running an event, let us know and we’ll add it to the “What’s On” table and can provide webspace for a “poster” if your organisation does not have a website
Exning.Net is run on a volunteer basis and:
The development, maintenance, hosting and domain name, are being provided by LAPOLLO Systems at no cost
All updates are made on a “best efforts” basis and there may be times when i is not possible to update information immediately -- or information no longer relevant may be left on the site for a short time
Particularly at the launch new pages may be added, pages reformatted, split etc and we cannot be responsible for
* LAPOLLO Systems is the name used by a local resident for the websites he creates on a volunteer basis.
Having had a career in IT for 37 years he decided to use some of these skills to provide websites for local activities in the community.
Exning.Net was conceived as an “umbrella site” for these websites, but extended to include those of other activities.