Exning.Net is a website developed by residents of Exning Village
All information and photographs are ©LAPOLLO Systems unless otherwise attributed. Comments & Queries to info@exning.net
Please note the site is under development and new pages will be added from time to time and formats may change.
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Whilst every attempt is made to ensure accuracy of the information on this site, LAPOLLO Systems cannot be held responsible for any loss of time or money due to use of the information. This also true of sites with links from Exning.Net.
For those men who died in World War One considerable research had been done by Tony Pringle and can be seen on the Exning Remembers website or in the book of the same name.
The information on the Rolls of Honour shows for each man: his regiment, rank, name, marital status and “address”. This last information was usually to the level of
the street or yard. It was known that many of the buildings no longer exist.
A number of sources were used.
Initially it was felt that the 1911 census would enable an easy identification of the place where each man lived but this proved not to be the case as:
- The census forms were completed individually by the “head of household
- Many gave their location as “Exning” or ”Newmarket” with no detailed address
- They are not in any order

- In the 1901 Census Exning was in Suffolk
- Occupants were recorded by Enumirators and are filed in order

1910 Valuation study (“Little Domesday”)
- In this report every property was recorded with the head of household, owner, address (though not always to individual house) and value
- But its not in any order and requires the plans based on 1:2500 OS maps to identify buildings.
- In many cases homes are grouped into “lots” and therefore it is not possible to identify residents
(The maps and pages of the register will eventually be made available on this website in case it is of use to others investigating family or village histories)
1913/4/5 Electoral Registers obviously only have men over 21 so we have to interpolate using father’s address