Exning.Net Local Activities Future Events Past Events How Exning Remembered World Wars Exning History Aerial Views Publicity

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Exning.Net is a website developed by residents of Exning Village

All information and photographs are ©LAPOLLO Systems unless otherwise attributed.    Comments & Queries to info@exning.net

Please note the site is under development and new pages will be added from time to time and formats may change.

Please see the “Small print”

Whilst every attempt is made to ensure accuracy of the information on this site, LAPOLLO Systems cannot be held responsible for any loss of time or money due to use of the information. This also true of sites with links from Exning.Net.

Exning Village Fete 2023

On July 29, 2023 a Vilage Fete took place on Exning Recreation Ground. Organised by Exning Parish Council.

There were a number of activities and competitions, refreshments and stalls

Please note: If you, or you family, appear in a photo and you do not wish this, please contact us.

After a slow start (pic taken 2 minutes after the start time ….

…… The sun …. And crowds ….came out (picture taken at 1.42 pm

Refreshments corner

Crowds gathered for the events “on stage”

The cake competition

The “Exning New River Association
information stand

Teas, coffees and cakes provided by
Exning Parish Churches

The 2024 Fete will take place on July  27